Trials In Tainted Space Easy Mode

Jan 15th, 2018
  1. Updated special scenes window to make it easy to understand, now the button to start the scenes is in the bottom of the window and it looks like a normal button. Solved some bugs. Minor changes in Rex's walking animation and drawings for the same animation. The new beginning of the game has some changes that will bring changes for future versions.
  2. You can enable easy mode at any time during your game; simply press shift-7, that is, type an &. You will be approached by swirling darkness, and if you agree, your character will turn from an @ into an &. The benefit is damage reduces to 20%. The drawback is ' a tax rate of 90%.'
  3. Trials In Tainted Space Cheats DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1).
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  1. You awake to the light of a bright-burning sun in your eyes. The softness of the bed you once laid upon is replaced by fluffy yet somehow solid clouds. High above is a sky bluer than a robin’s egg and seemingly endlessly vast, stretching around below you as well as above. There’s no sign of land or even a planet to be found. Stumbling up on your feet, you look around in a panic, searching for something, anything familiar, but there is nothing to be found. Not a ship, not a holoconsole, not a single other person.
  2. Well, except for those angels fluttering down from out of the sun’s glare.
  3. Wait... angels? Cupping your hand to shield yourself from the unearthly radiance, you piece together the details of their forms: tall statuesque bodies clad in heavy, gold-accented robes, eyes glowing like a cloudless morning, immaculate blonde hair, and yes... radiant halos of pure light. Wings more majestic any siren’s casually flutter behind them, casting no breeze and yet somehow holding their charges aloft. Your mouth gapes open, and you make no move to close it. This is insane.
  4. “Quote!” Booms a voice like a brassy warhorn.
  5. You clap your hands to your ears in pain, doubling over from the intensity of her voice. Just hearing her talk is like standing next to a heavy freighter while it lifts off.
  6. “Sorry,” the lead angel whispers, putting a gentle hand on your shoulder as she apologizes. “It is easy to forget how fragile you mortals are. Do not be afraid of us. Be afraid of the corruption within you.” She squeezes, so strongly that it’s almost harmful, casually pushing you to your knees. “You are tainted. The seething darkness within you could infect an entire realm if not purified, even cast down gods in time. We have seen it happen before, in another land, and we will not see it happen again.”
  7. Awestruck, you ask, “Can you purify me?”
  8. The angelic archon releases your shoulder and lifts your chin, smiling beatifically. “Of course we can, child. Enough holy essence can wash away even the foulest taint, but it must applied thoroughly, without and within.”
  9. “Essence?” You look at her curiously. You’ve never heard such an expression before.
  10. The angel pats your head and laughs, “Yes child... essence.” Pulling her robe to the side, she reveals her angelic form. She is both curvy and muscular, chesty and strong. She’s the kind of girl who could bury your head between her breasts and pin you there until you suffocated... and she’s got a cock. A big, fat horse-cock, to be specific. It is completely at odds with the rest of her appearance. Where she has skin like polished marble, it has sweat and musk, its veiny surface pulsating in a decidedly un-angelic way.
  11. Your head swims. This isn’t right, is it? But the smell... it’s like walnuts and ocean salt, only dizzyingly potent. Your whole body flushes just from the smell of it, so thick you can taste it on your tongue. Even stranger, you realize just how much you want to taste it on your tongue. The rest of the divine choir tosses aside their robes, revealing a bevy of bestial behomoths, every single one of them just as big and fragrant as their leader’s, but they are far from identical. Some are jet black, others pink, and some mottled.
  12. They press in on all sides. You hold out your hands, ostensibly to push them away, but the minute you feel the benevolent boners touching your palms, you squeeze them right back.
  13. “Corruption may also be burned out with heat,” the lead angel proclaims, snapping her fingers. Her halo bursts into fire, and her cock surges, growing several inches longer in the span of a single heartbeat. Its rich, pheromonal scent doubles, and your fair skin feels hot. The barest breeze is like feathers stroking your molten skin. Sweating profusely, you stare in wonder, licking your lips unthinkingly. You aren’t sure if its the corruption within you or the angel’s own unholy power that’s making you crave her cock so powerfully, but you don’t care much either way. It’s too hot to think. Too hot not to pant.
  14. The archon’s cockhead swells fatter and fatter, then spurts a trickle of brilliant white fluid. It slaps into your lips, splattering across your face, painting you in a layer of glowing goo. She strokes herself, willing more of her silvery pre-spunk to spurt forth, and then, midway through a squirt, she presses her flare to your lips, forcing you to kiss the pebbly flesh of its rim. True to its name, it flares wide, stretching your mouth open as it’s fed inside, making you gurgle perversely.
  15. With your attentions almost entirely focused on the holy creature’s unholy beast-cock, you’re surprised to discover that your arms are starting to get sore. Not from the position you’re in but from the way you’re furiously pumping the circle of dicks around you. They’re thrust at you so lewdly, their animalistic tips leaking more of that blessed liquid over your hands, wrists, and arms. You panic briefly, unable to decide on which ones you should focus on, darting from dick to dick to dick, never giving one more than a half-dozen affectionate strokes before journeying on to the next. There’s just too much dick!
  16. Warmth surges in your throat, pouring down your esophagus, smoothing away your gag reflex and your panic along with it. Your eyes drift closed, and that perfect, creator-blessed horse-prick burrows in along its lubricated path, briefly bulging your neck in a clear imprint of its distinctive shape. Strong hands with stronger fingers grab your arms, wrap your digits around the closest dick, and frantically pump you back and forth along the lucky equine phallus. The same is done to your other hand. Balls clap against your chin, forcing your nose to push up into her leather sheath.
  17. You swoon, drunk on the archon’s scent, feeling her cohorts clench in your hands and unload, dizzy and hot, so very hot. It feels like the divine spooge splatting into your fair skin is sizzling from your heat. The balls on your chin pulse, and your tongue gives an answering swirl. Your arms are passed around to the next pair of angels, pressed into the unyielding, veiny flesh and forced to stroke once more. Flaring your nostrils, you suck in a desperate breath, drunk on the resplendent being’s bestial cock-stench, allowing yourself to be used... purified... whatever.
  18. They could bend you over and ram one up your asshole, and you wouldn’t complain. A wave of brilliant goo cascades over your hair. Simultaneously, a geyser of purifying cum bathes your flank. Your hands are pried off the trembling lengths mid-orgasm, no matter how tightly your fingers clutch at them, and forced to serve new masters. These ones go off immediately, like they’ve been edging this whole time, getting off to watching you deep-throat their mistress, ready to explode the moment they brushed your pinkie.
  19. This time, the cum doesn’t stop. You are bathed in it, anointed in it, baptized in a swimming pool of angelic nut-butter. Better still, the dick in your mouth is bulging, its urethra straining, expanding, pumped full of a sticky snack for your corrupted middle. It goes off like a cannon, making your midriff burble and expand. It’s flooding you, pumping what must be gallons of angelic essence forcefully into your very soul. You can feel yourself expanding with it, not just physically but completely, becoming greater, holier, more fit to serve the galaxy and these gifted girls.
  20. White-glowing juices blind you, but you don’t need to see with your eyes. You can see with your own blinding radiance, ignited by these divine creatures’ offerings. Every cummy splash is a declaration of your own divine purpose, a reminder that you exist to serve the universe’s whims. Your spirit drinks in the cum right alongside your belly, and just when you feel fit to burst, you cum.
  21. You wake up, shuddering in the throes of bliss. What a dream!

Corruption of Champions and Trials in Tainted Space online at Fenoxo’s site, free (Adult Content) 1) Flexible Survival. A nanite has outbreak occurred in your city, spreading rapidly and producing all kinds of bizarre creatures, anthropomorphic animals, andother things. This area is dedicated to the IGN walkthrough for Assassin's Creed: Origins. Below you'll find links that will help you beat every Main and Side quest found within the game.

While this page is primarily used for reference, do note that, as a player, you are responsible for your actions in the game--this includes using cheats and exploits. It is highly advised to make a save before attempting any of the following cheats.

Always remember to keep a backup copy of your original, unaltered, save file!


Trials in Tainted Space's gameplay is not immune to exploitation. There are various features the player can access, intentional or otherwise, to gain a desired advantage in the game. Most of these exploits may have been left in the game during various points of development and are subject to change if and while the game is in development.

This page will only list cheats that are acknowledged by the developers themselves and are approved for public release. The cheats listed will only be ones that are attainable in-game, during play. For out-of-game game-editing references, try the save editing page.

Cheat Codes

The game has various cheat codes that can be inputted by the player. This can be done in two ways:

  • By using a keyboard and directly typing the message at any time while playing the game.
  • By accessing a text input box (such as using V-KO's CustomInput option) and inserting and submitting the code there. The input box is limited in what cheats it can activate (so not all cheat codes are compatible with it), and is primarily there for users who use virtual, screen-prompted keyboards.
  • It is recommended to input cheat codes in on the codex console under options to prevent any unwanted actions such as moving or item usage.
  • Codes that cannot activate via the console can be activated in the main Codex screen. Because all of the main Codex options are assigned to numbers 1-5, this will prevent unwanted actions.
  • Holding Shift while typing will also prevent unwanted moving or item usage.

This information is a bit outdated, so some codes may not work in current versions. Try at your own risk. link to a statement from Jacques00 on the forums

The cheat codes are as follows:

Cheat Codes
Input Result
treatment Forces the Treatment to use the default effects. (Does nothing if none of the other Treatment cheats have been activated).
bimbo Forces the Treatment to use the Female effects.
bull Forces the Treatment to use the Male effects.
amazon Forces the Treatment to use the Amazon effects.
cumcow Forces the Treatment to use the Cum-Cow effects.
fauxcow Forces the Treatment to use the Faux-Cow effects.
motherlode Gives enough XP to reach the next level.
88mph Pass large amounts of time.
urta (previously known as 'furfag') Enables infinite item use for most consumable items (Enter again to disable).
poison (previously known as 'sjw') Replaces “shemale” with “dick-girl” throughout the game’s scenes dynamically (since v0.8.010).
tistheseason Brings up a menu with a list of special holidays. The player may choose to toggle Seasonal events for that holiday to: Always On, Always Off, or Automatic (default).
marcopolo Unlocks all planets (excluding Breedwell and Kashima).
laplove Reverts the game to its previous inclusion of the Lapinara Parasitic Female and Prophylactic (Lapinara).
Opens the Doctor Badger Cheat Menu, which contains three separate sections:
  • Doctor Badger:
    • Options for Doctor Badger's interaction:
      • The state of either being active or arrested.
      • The state of either being pre or post bimbofication.
    • For the player:
      • Whether or not the silicone tank is installed in the player's ship.
  • Nym-Foe:
    • Options for Nym-Foe's combat:
      • The state of being broken, fixed, fixed and hostile, or not yet encountered.
      • The distribution of silicone between the player's breasts, butt, hips, and lips during a successful injection attack.
      • Whether Nym-Foe's 'Bouncy!' attack block will perform normally, block 100% of the time, or avoid being used.
      • The ability to add or subtract Nym-Foe's starting lust between 0 and 100, and the ability to reset back to 50.
    • For the player:
      • Add a Nym-Foe Dakimakura to the player's inventory.
      • Toggle whether or not the player has the Implant-tasticPerk.
  • Doll Maker:
    • Options for Doll Maker's combat:
      • The state of being disassembled, met and non-hostile, activated and hostile, or not yet encountered.
      • Whether Doll Maker's attack pattern will consist of its full moveset, only stat-effecting tools (if not applicable, choosing Bio-Magnetic Vibes instead), or only with its Bio-Magnetic Vibes.
      • How many points each of the stat-effecting tools in Doll Maker's moveset will subtract, being able to be set from 1 to 50 and reset to 5.
      • Whether or not the player starts the fight already cuffed.
    • For the player:
      • Toggle whether or not the player has the True DollPerk.
insaneinthemembrane Changes Bess' name to Runa.
mitzi Allows the player to instantly rescue Mitzi, bypassing the Stellar Tether Dungeon.
backinbizzness Resets Bizzy's interactions to before the player received her first e-mail. (added during version 0.8.066 development to showcase new scenes with Mitzi and Sera, continued availability past this version is not guaranteed).
doll Teleports the player to the start of the Kiro Quest dungeon (added during version 0.8.023 development, will most likely be removed at a later date or upon full quest implementation).
Adds 5 virtual reality programs to the PC's inventory from or related to Kiro Quest. Once used, these allow the PC to access the fights (and corresponding sex scenes) in the Mindwash Visor to:
  • The fuckdolls
  • The Advanced Herm Sexbot
  • The Taursuit
healthdelivery Summons Bianca if possible (When on a hostile square where Bianca can spawn, and she is not in a bar).
anofferyoucantrefuse Skip to a certain part of Akane's first quest.
clowncar Allows ship flight with any amount of crew members.
anotherbrickinthewall Immediately gain 100K credits. Reusable. If entered outside the Console, credit count will be updated after any changing of screen. If entered with the Console, it must be exited for credits to be added. Consecutive uses without leaving the Console count as one activation and only add 100K credits.
UP+DOWN+LEFT+RIGHT Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to do this. Gives the player 5xZil Ration. You can get 10,000 Credits per full inventory by selling to Burt on Mhen'Ga. You can quickly sell a full inventory by holding down the '1' button.
party Starts or resets the Zaibatsu party. At the end of the party, Steele is placed at the Gyre Taxi stand on Dhaal. If Steele's ship is not already on Dhaal, it won't be at the Spaceport, making leaving impossible without other cheats.
wargiiandbess Resets the Siege of the Korg’ii Hold quest progress, along with any progress in Eitan's relationship. 0.8.116 patchnotes suggested that the cheat would get a name change, however that hasn't happened yet as of 0.8.124.
nastiness Resets the Nastizia event chain to Pre-invite.

Developer Codes

Not for inexperienced or uninformed players. Using any of these codes can seriously break quests and/or saves. As a player, you are responsible for your actions in the game. It is highly advised to make a save before attempting any of the following cheats.

Always remember to keep a backup copy of your original, unaltered, save file!

The dev codes are as follows:

Developer Codes
Input Result
impulseBrings up Impulse menu for scene ID.
idclevBrings up the idclev menu for teleportation by room ID.
fuckyou Toggles debug mode.


This is a list of exploitable events, items, or characters that the player can use to Captain Steele's advantage.

The exploits are as follows:

Input Result
Dr. Lash Defeating him in combat will earn Steele 999999 credits and a significant amount of XP. This combat encounter can be repeatable if Steele continues to flirt with him. This can be done by stacking resistance to the burning element to or above 100%, while raising electric resistance as high as possible to minimize his damage output.
Syri Infinite Intelligence gain Holding down the 1 button during Syri's morning menu causes continuous slow intelligence gain

When combined with ClearYu can also give you Reflex, Aim, and Libido at the cost of Taint

Blackjack free money In the Treasure Nova casino on Zheng Shi, the player can place a custom bet up to their entire wallet balance. This, in conjunction with saving and loading, allows the player to acquire high amounts of credits quickly and with no risk.

Trials In Tainted Space Easy Model


Trials In Tainted Space Easy Modern House

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